Hitchcock Brunettes

 A gumbo of Americana, Patti Smith, desert noir, and a healthy dose of the early twin guitars of The Velvet Underground, Chicago-based band The Hitchcock Brunettes, formed in 2022, consist of Gina Frangello (lead vox/percussion), Matt Sherman (guitar/drums/ vox), Jason Schoenbeck (bass/ vox—also a member of Teacher’s Pet), and Rob Roberge (guitar/lead vox), the last of whom is also a member of LA art-punks The Urinals, who’ve been covered by, among others, Yo La Tengo, the Minutemen, and The Gun Club. Collectively, The Hitchcock Brunettes, have over four decades of experience in numerous bands. Their debut record is scheduled for release in 2024.

Past Shows

  • Fri, Aug 16th - Doors 7PM - Show 8PM - $10adv/$15 at door TIX AVAIL AT DOOR