Max Gazzé

 Max Gazzè is an amazing performer and extraordinary bass player. Singing in Italian, French and English he always creates a feel-good mood everywhere. He lived and played long in Paris and London and in the last 3 years he has being touring all over Europe. In Italy he published 10 golden CDs (Emi/Virgin and Universal Music). He wrote and toured in Europe with Stefan Eicher and performed with Stewart Copeland in the Gizmo project. After the poetic and powerful live and record project “Il padrone della festa” - together with his friends and outstanding artists Daniele Silvestri and Niccolò Fabi, in 2015 Max published “Maximilian” (Universal Music), a striking, colourful, emotionally various album whose singles reached millions of views on Youtube (“La vita com'è”: 21.000.000 views, “Mille volte ancora”: 1.200.000 views, “Ti sembra normale”: 620.000 views).

Past Shows

  • Mon, Oct 10 - 8pm - $20adv/$25door