Karolina Cicha & Bart Palyga

Karolina Cicha is a singer-songwriter. One-woman-orchestra. She plays many instruments at once and sings using vocal techniques that she developed herself.  Her career started with solo concerts. The live album “Karolina Cicha / Koncert” is a document of that period. In 2009 she started a band and that’s when her adventure with rock music began. First, she recorded two tracks for “GAJCY” – an album of musical interpretations of the poems of Tadeusz Gajcy (published by Warsaw Uprising Museum). According to the “Interia” website ranking, her song "Miłość bez jutra" (“Love with no tommorow”) was one of the ten best polish rock songs of 2009: Since then she has published two albums: “DO LUDOŻERCÓW” (with lyrics of Tadeusz Rożewicz) and “WAWA2010.PL”, a collection of songs about Warsaw, where she sang duets with stars of the polish alternative scene (Tomasz Budzyński, Tymon Tymański, Jorgos Skolias, Mamadou, Olaf Derglasoff, "Titus" of Acid Drinkers, Czesław Mozil and others). "MIĘKKIE MASZYNY" was the third album in her discography – and the first to include some of her own lyrics. In 2013 with Bart Pałyga she published "9 Languages" album with the traditional songs in languages spoken by people living in North-east of Poland: Alongside her music, she has also worked regularly in the theatre. Between 2007 and 2009, she played and sung the title roles in “Electra” and “Ifigenia in A…” by “Gardzienice” Theatre (direction W. Staniewski) - performances based on reconstructions of antique music.  She has one prizes at some of the most prestigious festivals in Poland and abroad. She won the Grand Prix at the Student Song Festival in Krakow, the second prize at the Actor's Song Review in Wroclaw, and the first prize at the Chansonsfestival in Koln, Germany. In 2013 She won GRAND PRIX and Audience Prize on "New Tradition - Polish Radio Folk Festiwal" organized by Polish Radio.  In 2014 polish Ministry of Culture and NAtional Heritage gave her the prestigue grant called "Młoda Polska" to develop a digital instrumentarium.  She has a PHD in humanities (history of literature).

Past Shows

  • Fri, Sep 18 - 8pm - No Cover