Fri, Aug 18th - 8pm - $20doors - TIX AVAIL AT DOOR!
Tickets Available at the Door!
District 97 'Live for the Ending' CONCERT FILM ON THE BIG SCREEN!
Due to illness, District 97 will NOT be performing tonight. We will instead be showing Live for the Ending Concert Film on the big screen after CHEER-ACCIDENT rocks the house.
Jason Blake with Craig Walkner
Jason Blake is a Warr guitarist from Chicago, Illinois. The Warr Guitar is a twelve-string instrument incorporating the range of a guitar and bass. It is played by tapping the strings, a technique known as touchstyle guitar.Blake plays with his band, Aziola Cry, a progressive metal trio consisting of Warr guitar, guitar, and drums. Their latest album, The Ironic Divide was released in 2021 on Sensory Records and was named “Instrumental Progressive Metal Album of the Year” by Sonic Perspectives.As a solo artist, Blake is not one to pigeonhole himself as his musical output spans a wide variety of genres. In the ambient realm, he signed with Wayfarer Records in 2021 and has released five albums to date with the label. In 2022, he released a solo Warr guitar album entitled, Imaginary Cages, leading one reviewer to say this about Blake, “He once again confirms why he is one of the most distinguished technicians on the Warr.”Blake’s most recent release is the instrumental progressive rock tour de force, Subsequent Ruins. Accompanied by drummer Marco Minnemann, the album is a modern retelling of The Pied Piper with technology and specifically screens playing the lead role and features the Warr guitar as the sole melodic instrument. The album was released on March 17, 2023 by 7D Media.